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Our values
Changing the worldWe care about freedom to explore, open mindness, opportunities to follow your desires, consent and security. We are changing the world of dating right now. Join us.
InclusivityOur main priority is the human being, not his nationality, sexual orientation, religion, age, gender, physical shape or skin colour. We are looking for friends and partners for interesting tasks and cool projects. Together is the key word.
FreedomWe are open to new projects and suggestions, eager to cultivate talents. We grow with new technologies, giving you complete freedom to make decisions and influence the product.
Changing the worldWe care about freedom to explore, open mindness, opportunities to follow your desires, consent and security. We are changing the world of dating right now. Join us.
InclusivityOur main priority is the human being, not his nationality, sexual orientation, religion, age, gender, physical shape or skin colour. We are looking for friends and partners for interesting tasks and cool projects. Together is the key word.
FreedomWe are open to new projects and suggestions, eager to cultivate talents. We grow with new technologies, giving you complete freedom to make decisions and influence the product.
Changing the worldWe care about freedom to explore, open mindness, opportunities to follow your desires, consent and security. We are changing the world of dating right now. Join us.
InclusivityOur main priority is the human being, not his nationality, sexual orientation, religion, age, gender, physical shape or skin colour. We are looking for friends and partners for interesting tasks and cool projects. Together is the key word.
FreedomWe are open to new projects and suggestions, eager to cultivate talents. We grow with new technologies, giving you complete freedom to make decisions and influence the product.

Jobs at Pure